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A rhino safari holiday

Safari holidays are extremely popular with many people looking for a holiday with a bit of a difference. The majority of us have to save up for many years to be able to go on a safari holiday, but I have not spoken to one person who was not utterly impressed with their experience whilst … Continue reading »

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African Trek

African treks are an alternative to a safari. Both give a great opportunity to experience the wildlife and natural beauty of such a diverse and exciting environment. A trek, unlike a safari, will generally take place over a longer period of time, giving you an opportunity to get a different perspective of the area, although … Continue reading »

Categories: holiday, Locations, Safari, Tourism, Travel, Wildlife | Comments Off on African Trek

Your Safari Experience

A safari in Africa presents a singular opportunity to experience some of the most awe inspiring animals in the world. It gives you the chance to see lion prides in their own environment, and elephants living in the wild. Wildlife is full of complex systems, which a safari gives you the chance to see in … Continue reading »

Categories: holiday, Locations, Safari, Travel, Wildlife | Comments Off on Your Safari Experience