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Booking a safari in Tanzania

When considering where to go for your safari holiday you can be a bit spoilt for choice with so many different options out there. However, one great option is Tanzania. Tanzania is a great destination for its beautiful beaches and gorgeous climate but it has so much more to offer. It’s renowned for being one … Continue reading »

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Safaris for older travellers

For some people the opportunity to take a safari holiday may not be possible until later in life when perhaps they have the finances to do so but can older travellers still get as much out of a safari holiday as younger people? The majority of travellers over seventy years of age often enjoy the … Continue reading »

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Can you be confident that a safari holiday is safe for kids?

Although going on a safari holiday may be seen as an experience for adults many people want their kids to be able to enjoy an amazing opportunity to see the African wildlife on a safari holiday. There could be some dangers when taking a safari holiday, but with vigilance while you are out and about … Continue reading »

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Making the most of a safari holiday

Safari holidays are beautiful eye-opening experiences that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. They are very often expensive holidays that you may need to save up for or borrow money to go on. For this reason, people often want to ensure that their safari holiday goes without a hitch and is as enjoyable … Continue reading »

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The magnificent African elephant

If you have a passion for safaris and love wildlife then you will not be disappointed if you get the opportunity to spot the truly amazing African Elephant. The African elephant weighs up to eight tons and can measure around seven metres. It is the largest land mammal and much bigger than Asian elephants and … Continue reading »

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